Latvian commercial diving and technical support company Dronelab


Dronelab: Underwater Experts for Shore Strengthening with Precision Underwater Inspections

Riga, Latvia – When it comes to crucial shore strengthening projects in Riga’s bustling port, there’s only one name you need to remember: Dronelab. Our team of highly skilled and certified professional divers and engineers provides comprehensive underwater inspection services, ensuring the success of your project from the very beginning.

Our divers utilize cutting-edge technology to conduct meticulous surveys of the port quay walls. This detailed examination allows us to identify any potential weaknesses or damage that could compromise the integrity of the shoreline. With this information, we can then develop a targeted plan for repairs, maximizing efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Dronelab doesn’t stop at inspections. We also boast a team of expert welders who can perform underwater repairs directly at the quay. This eliminates the need for expensive and disruptive dewatering procedures, keeping your project on schedule and minimizing downtime.

Dronelab: Your Riga Experts for Shore Strengthening with Precision Underwater Inspections Riga, Latvia – When it comes to crucial shore strengthening projects in Riga's bustling port, there's only one name you need to remember: Dronelab. Our team of highly skilled and certified professional divers and engineers provides comprehensive underwater inspection services, ensuring the success of your project from the very beginning. Our divers utilize cutting-edge technology to conduct meticulous surveys of the port quay walls. This detailed examination allows us to identify any potential weaknesses or damage that could compromise the integrity of the shoreline. With this information, we can then develop a targeted plan for repairs, maximizing efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Dronelab doesn't stop at inspections. We also boast a team of expert welders who can perform underwater repairs directly at the quay. This eliminates the need for expensive and disruptive dewatering procedures, keeping your project on schedule and minimizing downtime. Here's what sets Dronelab apart: Unmatched Expertise: Our team combines professional diving experience with engineering know-how, offering a comprehensive understanding of underwater challenges and solutions. Advanced Technology: We utilize cutting-edge underwater surveying equipment to provide precise and detailed assessments of the quay walls. Experienced Welders: We have a team of highly skilled underwater welders capable of performing complex repairs with exceptional precision. Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness: Our combined inspection and repair services minimize project timelines and disruptions, leading to cost savings for you. When it comes to shore strengthening in Riga's port, trust Dronelab for reliable, efficient, and expert underwater inspections and repairs. Contact us today and let our team help you ensure the lasting strength and security of your shoreline. Dronelab: Diving Deeper for Your Success. Contact: Phone: +371 220 77 20 Email:

Here’s what sets Dronelab apart:

  • Unmatched Expertise: Our team combines professional diving experience with engineering know-how, offering a comprehensive understanding of underwater challenges and solutions.
  • Advanced Technology: We utilize cutting-edge underwater surveying equipment to provide precise and detailed assessments of the quay walls.
  • Experienced Welders: We have a team of highly skilled underwater welders capable of performing complex repairs with exceptional precision.
  • Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness: Our combined inspection and repair services minimize project timelines and disruptions, leading to cost savings for you.

When it comes to shore strengthening in Riga’s port, trust Dronelab for reliable, efficient, and expert underwater inspections and repairs. Contact us today and let our team help you ensure the lasting strength and security of your shoreline.

Dronelab: Diving Deeper for Your Success.


  • Phone: +371 220 77 20
  • Email:

Dronelab zemūdens zināšanas ir izmantotas arī zemūdens šuvju sienu būvniecībā. Šīs sienas ir stratēģiski novietotas gar upju krastiem, lai tās nostiprinātu un novērstu turpmāku eroziju. Dronelab izmanto specializētu aprīkojumu, lai upes gultnē ievadītu javu, veidojot spēcīgu un izturīgu barjeru, kas aizsargā upes krastu no laikapstākļiem.

Dronelab SIA izmanto arī zemūdens akustiskās sakaru sistēmas, lai pārraidītu informāciju lielos attālumos. Šīs sistēmas izstaro un saņem akustiskos signālus, kas pārvietojas pa ūdeni, ļaujot ūdenslīdējiem sazināties ar virszemes atbalsta personālu pat tad, ja tie nav redzami. Dronelab SIA akustiskās komunikācijas sistēmas ir īpaši noderīgas liela mēroga niršanas operācijām, kurās nirējiem var būt nepieciešams uzturēt kontaktus vienam ar otru lielos attālumos.

SIA Dronelab veiksmīgo projektu rezultātā ir būtiski nostiprināti Daugavas krasti un moli, mazinot erozijas riskus un nodrošinot upju kopienu un infrastruktūras drošību. Uzņēmuma apņemšanās nodrošināt inovācijas un drošību ir iemantojusi tai zemūdens tehnoloģiju līdera reputāciju.

SIA Dronelab dalība šajā projektā apliecina tās apņemšanos nodrošināt augstas kvalitātes zemūdens pakalpojumus, lai atbalstītu Latvijas infrastruktūras attīstību. Uzņēmuma zināšanas un novatoriskā pieeja ir padarījušas to par uzticamu partneri gan valsts, gan privātām struktūrām.

SIA Dronelab specializējas ne tikai zemūdens pārbaudēs, izrakumos un celtniecībā, bet arī atdzīvina zemūdens pasauli, izmantojot satriecošu zemūdens fotogrāfiju. Uzņēmuma prasmīgie ūdenslīdēji un inženieri apvieno savas zināšanas ar vismodernāko aprīkojumu, lai uzņemtu elpu aizraujošus attēlus un video par zemūdens ainavām, jūras dzīvi un zemūdens struktūrām.